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"Radiate Vitality, Embrace Transformation"

Ljós Megin is a mind, body, and spirit system that offers a comprehensive approach to wellness, blending ancient healing techniques with contemporary moving meditations for health and vitality. 


Practitioners embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment by focusing on exercises that promote energy, clarity of mind, and spiritual development.

Ljos Megin

The keys to vitality


Under the banner of 'The Keys of Yggdrasil' are the Ice Keys and the Fire Keys. The first step for anyone wishing to practice Ljós Megin is to learn the Ice Keys. This gives you the foundation, structure and vitality in mind, body and spirit to start feeling the benefits of Ljós Megin.


The Ice Keys sequence is a series of flowing movements which achieves a state of mindfulness and inner harmony.  This practice also promotes physical well-being and introduces the practitioner to deeper spiritual aspects.


The Ice Keys sequence is a daily ritual for practitioners of all levels that usually takes less than 15 minutes. 


The Ice Keys for mind, body, spirit

Taking it further as an Advanced Practitioner...

This is where things start to really open up for you. As a Ljós Megin Advanced Practitioner, access is given to a multitude of exercises, tools, and skills necessary for further personal development but also preparing the practitioner for healing other people should they wish to do so.


The intitial focus is on the Fire Keys which are a counterpoint to the beginners Ice Keys. The Fire Keys are dynamic, stimulating, charging, and they direct healing Megin with force and purpose. Mastering them is a sure sign that you are well and truly on your path to mastering Ljós Megin.


You can also look forward to learning what your power animal (Fylgja) is and working with it, discovering the power of using a drum as a healing tool, retrieving personal power that gets depleted over time, and much, much more.

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expand your horizons


Ljós Megin classes

Join the Ljos Megin teaching community and ignite transformation in your area. Guide students toward self-discovery and empowerment.  Whether a seasoned practitioner or new to the journey, Ljos Megin offers comprehensive training so you have the confidence to run your own classes. Become a beacon of light, spreading wisdom and empowerment. Contact us for more information if this interests you.


Our healing qualification is for those who long to heal themselves and others at a deeper level. Experience Ljos Megin energies in their entirity, delving deeper into a wide range of healing methods unique to Ljos Megin.

Join us and embark on a fulfilling career of healing and empowerment for yourself and your future clients. Give yourself a new path and a fresh start.

Contact us if this interests you.



become a Ljós Megin healer


At Ljós Megin , our mission is to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools they need to live their best lives. Our commitment to helping others is the driving force behind ensuring Ljós Megin is accessible worldwide through online lessons, or locally, with classes or healers in your area. Put simply, we want to help you reach your full potential. Achieve balance, health, and wellness by joining our community and start your journey today.

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